

Microprocessors are regarded as one of the most important devices in our everyday machines called computers. Before we start, we need to understand what exactly microprocessors are and their appropriate implementations. Microprocessor is an electronic circuit that functions as the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer, providing computational control. Microprocessors are also used in other advanced electronic systems, such as computer printers, automobiles, and jet airliners.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Archictecture of a microprocessor and the Simple As Possible 1 (SAP1)

The following are the characteristics of a microcomputer:

  • an address bus (that may be 8, 16 or 32 bits wide) that sends an address to memory
  • a data bus (that may be 8, 16 or 32 bits wide) that can send data to memory or receive data from memory
  • a RD (Read) and WR (Write) line to tell the memory whether it wants to set or get the addressed location
  • a clock line that lets a clock pulse sequence the processor
  • a reset line that resets the program counter to zero (or whatever) and restarts execution

The features in SAP-1 computer are:
  • W bus - A single 8 bit bus for address and data transfer.
  • 16 Bytes memory (RAM)
  • Registers are accumulator and B-register each of 8 bits.
  • Program counter – initializes from 00H(0d) to FFH(15d) during program execution.
  • Memory Address Register (MAR) to store memory addresses.
  • Adder/Subtracter for addition and subtraction instructions.
  • A Control Unit
  • A Simple Output.
  • 6 machine reserved for each instruction.

SAP Architecture

1. Program Counter (PC)

It counts from 0000 to 1111 and it signals the memory address of next instruction to be fetched and executed

2. Input and MAR (MAR)

During a computer run, the address in PC is latched into Memory Address Register (MAR).

3. RAM

the program code to be executed and data for SAP1 computer is stored here.

During a computer run, the RAM receives 4-bit addresses from MAR and a read operation is performed. Hence, the instruction or data word stored in RAM is placed on the W bus for use by some other part of the computer.

It is asynchronous RAM, which means that the output data is available as soon as valid address and control signal are applied

4. Instruction Register (IR)

IR contains the instruction (composed of OPCODE+ADDRESS) to be executed by SAP1 computer.

5. Controller- Sequencer

it generates the control signals for each block so that actions occur in desired sequence. CLK signal is used to synchronize the overall operation of the SAP1 computer.

A 12 bit word comes out of the Controller-Sequencer block. This control word determines how the registers will react to the next positive CLK edge.

6. Accumulator

it is a 8 bit buffer register that stores intermediate results during a computer run.

It is always one of the operands of ADD,SUB and OUT instructions.

7. Adder-Subtracter

it is a 2's complement adder-subtractor

this module is asynchronous (unclocked), which means that its contents can change as soon as the input words change

8. B Register

it is 8 bit buffer register which is primarily used to hold the other operand (one operand is always accumulator) of mathematical operations.

9. Output Register

this registers hold the output of OUT instruction.

10. Binary Display

it is a row of eight LEDs to show the contents of output register.

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